Weighing just 4 g, the pocket-size Art Loeb Trail Elevation Profile map from AntiGravityGear is loaded with all at-a-glance information you need for hiking all 30.1 miles of this North Carolina trail.
Covers all 30.1 mi. of the Art Loeb Trail plus Cold Mountain, Old Butt Knob and Shining Creek spur trails
Simple, easy-to read topographic representation of the terrain and trail features a map on one side and elevation profile with altitudes and trail data on the other
Trail data includes mileage and GPS coordinates, access points and parking, noted camp shelters, water sources, town data, resupply points, crossing roads, and mail drops
Pocket Profiles are waterproof, rub-resistant and tear-resistant to withstand the rigors of hiking in any condition
Folds to pocket-size and weighs just 4 g, making it ideal for any pack