Massage-on-a-Rope Ball Massager
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Massage-on-a-Rope Ball Massager
Tech Specs
Best UseFitness
Material(s)(Ball) silicone / (rope) nylon
Dimensions(Ball dia.) 2.75 / (rope length) 26 inches
Weight7.5 ounces

The Tiger Tail USA Massage-on-a-Rope Ball massager helps you work out knots, trigger points and sore muscles after intense workouts.

  • Lean against a wall or lie on the ground to press the massage ball into your knots and sore muscles
  • 26 in. rope keeps the 2.6 in. massage surface close at hand so it doesn't roll away
  • Nonslip surface ensures controlled rolling
  • Easy to clean: simply use soap and water


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