Simple in appearance yet highly featured, the 5 larger pieces of passive protection included in the DMM Wallnut set #7-11 are individually designed to increase chances of a solid placement.
Each size nut is individually designed and heat-treated to balance bite and strength; larger nuts use a softer alloy to increase bite as chances of shearing out are lower
Hollow construction keeps these larger sizes light, yet strong
Curved and tapered face and sides let you place the nut in 2 different orientations to better fit a wide variety of cracks
Grooved faces reduce weight, help the nut seat better in cracks and improve security in shallow placements
Anodized color coding and numbered sizes make it easy to find the nut you're looking for at a glance; colors are compatible with other nut brands so you can mix and match
Galvanized steel wire is stiff enough for overhead placements but flexible enough to minimize the chance of being lifted out
Holes in the nut heads are radiused to reduce bending stress on each wire