Despite their simple appearance, DMM Wallnut stoppers are highly featured pieces of climbing hardware. Different alloys are used for each size.
Smaller Wallnuts are made from a harder alloy to prevent shearing, while larger sizes are softer so they can bite into placements
Larger Wallnuts feature hollow construction to reduce weight
Wallnuts can be placed in 2 different orientations, allowing a single nut to cover a range of cracks
Grooved faces reduce weight, help the nut seat better in cracks, improve security in shallow placements, and resist lifting out when a leader moves past them
Wallnuts are mounted on wires that are stiff enough to allow overhead placements, while flexible enough to reduce the chance of lifting out
Certification for all sizes: EN 12270:2013
Color-coded to correspond with the rest of the DMM protection range and to give quick and easy selection of the correct size from your harness