When you're uncertain of the next stopping point while hiking the PCT, the Pacific Crest Trail data book offers the details and essential info you need to keep on pace and in reach of your goals.
Perfect for trip-planning and for reference while you're on your journey, you'll be readily prepared to know where you're going and when you'll get there
Plan ahead with convenient, easy-to-read tables based on data from the 3 Wilderness Press PCT guidebooks (not included); also includes resupply stops
Set daily mileage goals on-trail by anticipating campsites, water sources, trail gradient and facilities; calculate distances between all major points on the trail
Feel more confident with all the data you need on the trail, whether you're hiking the entire PCT (northbound or southbound) or just sections of it
Compact and lightweight, with an abundance of trail-tested features, the Pacific Crest Trail data book is handy to have both on and off the trail