Tinder Shreds Fire Starter - Package of 15
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Tinder Shreds Fire Starter - Package of 15
Tech Specs
Best UseCamping
Material(s)Shredded pine
Dimensions1 x 2 inches
Weight0.3 ounces

Take the chore out of fire starting with these Zippo Tinder Shreds. Made to light quickly and burn for up to 8 min., they help to ensure your fire gets started without a hassle and then stays lit.

  • Easily ignites with spark or flame to get a fire started in seconds
  • Each tinder shred burns for up to 8 min. to ensure your fire gets started and stays lit
  • Made with natural materials: shredded pine with a water-resistant paraffin wax coating
  • Lightweight and easy to carry
  • Includes fifteen 2 in. tinder shreds in a resealable package


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